Call for Tutorials

The Design and Verification Conference & Exhibition Europe (DVCon Europe) is the premier European technical conference on system, software, design, verification, validation and integration. It is a place where the latest methodologies and technologies of tools, languages, and standards for integrated and embedded systems and products are shared and discussed.

Applications of interest include (but not limited to) automotive, mobile communication, aerospace, healthcare, chip-cards, consumer and power electronics. DVCon Europe solicits submissions related to industrial application or research in design and verification. Special interest areas are Digital Twin, Internet-of-Things, Functional Safety and Security, ML/AI, ADAS and Digitalization.

DVCon Europe accepts submissions of industrial and academic papers, tutorials and panels with highly technical content reflecting real life experiences as well as research topics.

Tutorials at DVCon Europe

Tutorials should represent high-quality educational & technical training sessions. Real-life experiences in using EDA languages, standards, methodologies, and tools for system and software design and verification shall be reflected. Submissions are encouraged in (but not restricted to) the areas listed below:

  • System-level and software design
  • Verification and validation
  • Functional safety and security
  • AI/ML and Big Data
  • Model-based Systems Engineering 
  • IP reuse and design automation
  • Mixed-signal and low-power design and verification
  • Processor Ecosystem Developments

DVCon Europe offers the following tutorial slots:

  • User-centric tutorials: these tutorials focus on real-life industrial use cases and experiences. Preferably, these tutorials are related to existing standardization activities in Accellera working groups.
  • Academic and Research tutorials: Research or innovation-centric presented by universities or research institutes, covering novel methodologies and technologies.
  • Sponsored tutorials: Tutorials presented by EDA tool vendors, IP or services providers, or other consultancy organizations.

All tutorials are 90-minute sessions, including Q&A. The submitter is responsible to organize the tutorial with one or more speakers, delivering the presentation material, and selecting one of the above-mentioned formats.

Please submit your tutorial abstract by April 22nd. A tutorial abstract should contain a maximum of 3 pages.

Tutorial Abstract Submission Process

A tutorial abstract should contain:

  • Abstract title, stating that this is a tutorial submission
  • Selection of relevant tutorial type: Industrial, Education/Workshop, Research or Standardization
  • Name, affiliation, phone number and email addresses for all speakers
  • An introduction that specifies the context and motivation of the tutorial submission
  • A summary of the specific content of your tutorial and intended audience
  • Maximum of 500-600 words and a maximum 3 pages
  • There is no template for the tutorial abstract; please use the default Word template
  • Provide enough details so that the Technical Program Committee can evaluate the potential quality and interest of your possible Tutorial at DVCon Europe
  • Please submit your tutorial abstract via the submission site. The submission site will open end of March

Sponsored Tutorial Events

This opportunity includes:

  • A 90-minute technical tutorial prepared and presented by your company
  • Your company logo will be displayed during the tutorial
  • Your company logo will be displayed on the conference website
  • Your company mentioned in the opening session presentation slides


  • Sponsored tutorials will be reviewed and approved by the program committee with respect to technical depth and applicability. In case of multiple organizations coming together for a sponsored tutorial only 1 organization would get the sponsorship benefits mentioned above.
  • Consistent with the requirements for other DVCon Europe presentations, sponsored tutorials should also follow the DVCon Europe template and may contain a company logo only on the title slide.

For sponsored tutorials and pricing, please contact us at

Tutorial Selection

The Tutorial Chair, assisted by the Technical Program Committee, selects tutorials for inclusion in the DVCon Europe program. Tutorials are selected based on:

  • Breadth of interest in the area and the timeliness of the topic
  • Technical depth and breadth of the proposal
  • Differentiation from other tutorials and special sessions
  • Multiple viewpoints on the topic
  • How well the topic fits within the overall content of the conference

DVCon Europe is dedicated to the success of the tutorial day! Once the selection is final, you will be sent detailed guidelines and deadlines to assist you with your planning.

Accepted tutorial organizers and presenters will be invited and agree to do the following:

  • Submit the final version of the tutorial presentation
  • Register for the conference
  • Note: Consistent with the requirements for other DVCon Europe presentations, tutorials may contain a company logo only on the title slide.

Tutorial Roles

Tutorial Organizer: For the selected tutorial, the Organizer coordinates all tutorial activities with DVCon Europe, including ensuring that content is delivered in a timely manner and that the final presentation goes smoothly; follow-through is critical, the Organizer must interact with the Tutorial Chair.

  • The Organizer writes the proposal for the tutorial and the abstract that is submitted for proposal evaluation.
  • The Organizer selects and confirms the participation of the Presenter(s) (who could include the Organizer).
  • The Organizer writes the material that will be included in the website and publications. It is very important that the Organizer write the material to help a potential attendee decide if they should attend this tutorial.
  • The program material should describe the target audience and their expected level of familiarity with the topic (Expert/Intermediate/Beginner).
  • An Organizer can propose multiple tutorials on aligned topics with different speakers.
  • Presenter(s): The Presenter(s) is responsible for delivering the presentation

Important Dates


DVCon Europe reserves the right to restructure all tutorial suggestions.

DVCon Europe Tutorial Chair:

Mark Litterick, Verilab GmbH