Speaker Resources and Guidelines

Presentation Templates

Please use the following templates to prepare your presentation for DVCon Europe.

  • Templates are required for accepted authors (Lecture/Poster).
  • Templates are optional for accepted workshop/tutorial presentations.
    • If speakers use the DVCon Europe template, please embed your corporate logo on each slide. 
    • If speakers use a corporate template, the DVCon Europe logo must be embedded on each slide. 

Guidelines For Paper Presentations

  • DVCon Europe template should be used for all presentations (see template link above)
  • Supported formats are .pdf, .ppt, .pptx or .mp4
  • Please do not change the footer text except for the page number.
  • Company/ or university name and/or logo may only appear on the title (first slide) page.
  • Offer your slides in the format of a pre-recorded presentation, including embedded voice-over and slide show timings.

Guidelines For Posters

  • DVCon Europe template should be used for all posters (see template link above)
  • The recommended poster format is portrait A0 (84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm height). Double-sided adhesive tape and/or pins will be available in the poster area to put the posters on the panels. Authors are required to print their own poster and are responsible for hanging up their poster before the start of the session and of removing them after the session end.
  • Please do not change the header and footer text.
  • Company/ or university name and/or logo may only appear at the bottom of the poster.
  • Offer your poster in the format of a pre-recorded presentation, including embedded voice-over.

Speaker Policy

All speakers are expected to present in person.

If the presenter can’t present in person, the speaker is responsible for finding an alternative speaker that can present in person (should be a co-author).

  • If no co-authors can present in person and thus an alternative speaker can not be found, then it is up to the committee to determine if the presentation will remain in the program.